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NPD- Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Lies, the tools of a narcissist.

I read that narcissists do not have a conscience, looking back on my experiences I found no basis for this statement even though it is widely accepted. What I found was that a narcissist has a selective conscience. When applied to themselves they were very conscious of right and wrong, being respected or disrespected and being dishonored. Yet when it came to others the rules would change and these basic human rights did not apply. After a while of studying my husband and his behaviour, I began to understand why he felt like this. Its actually quite simple, he puts himself at a much higher value than others. He is superior, while you are nothing. He thinks of others' as tools to fulfill his purpose, whatever that maybe be. In a way dehumanising them. This may sound very strange to an outsider but let me give you an example of how it manifests. My mother in law fell ill, she is in her nineties and frail but due to neglect ended up in hospital. When I did not ask about her health c

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